Co-sleeping part two...

New sleeping arrangement

After declaring that I was DONE co-sleeping, 
and spending a looong night in a hard rocking chair,
 I decided that I was, in fact, NOT DONE.

See, I could come up with excuses all day long, 
but the bottom line is, for now, this just makes more sense.

My current excuse is that we're planning a move soon. 
NOT another big move! 
Just into a nearby home, hopefully.
See, when we moved out here nearly a year ago, 
we just picked up the first decent rental we could get our hands on.
Now that we know the area we're ready to pick a home, to finally settle 
down and not move again for a LONG LONG time. 

If you have ever moved with kids, you know what this has to do with sleeping.

I figure, why kill myself trying to get him to sleep in his crib in another room,
if we're just going to have to go through it all again when we transition to a new house?

So, my plan (which is never written in stone), is to do it all together.
When we move, we'll do the big transition. 
I'm sure the big kids will need a little extra bedtime attention then too,
so I might as well just bite the bullet, and take care of it all at once.

So, in the mean time,
I have decided to embrace our current situation, and I sidecarred the crib.

Two nights in, and I'm already kicking myself for not doing this MUCH sooner!
Seriously, the extra room, is priceless!

Even though he isn't fully in his crib most of the night, 
just having that little extra space makes a world of difference. 

For now, we're all sleeping pretty. 
The love/hate balance I have with co-sleeping is definitely balancing more towards love right now.

Ask me again, once we move..... and if I'm alive, I'll tell ya how it's going.


  1. Great idea. I don't know why I didn't think of this either! I think I might try it too! Thanks!


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