Racing to catch up!

Anyone who has had any part of Vacation Bible School knows it's a busy week.
Not only are you busy all morning, but the long morning also takes it's toll on the kids (for me anyway), turning a long morning into a long day, and long days into a long week.
I spent my afternoons of last week planing a road trip to Arkansas.
John's brother was getting married on the 4th (who does that?!?!)
and we were really wanting to make the trip to see him.
We were planning on leaving Friday, but Thursday we decided to back out.
With the long week behind us and our big move not too far ahead,
we thought it would just be better to skip it.
So we planned on staying home for the long weekend.
That's about when the whirlwind of sopontinaity started.
First we decided to spend Saturday with my BEST buddy in Wisconsin.
Then late sunday morning, while we were still half asleep from Saturday,
we decided to take a little trip down to Nebraska to visit John's dad.
We got back Monday night and we were all BEAT and totally off schedule
(Coralee didn't go to sleep last night until 10:30!)
Still a little 'off' I'm trying really hard to get everyone back into the
swing 'normal' today.
We'll see if I succede.
*posts on WI and NE coming soon to a blog near you!


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