Memorial day 2010

Memorial day 2008 was my very first blog post ever (on my old blog).
After years of driving by Fort Snelling Cemetery, on my way to work, I knew I wanted to get in there and photograph the days activities.
It was so nice that first year, just me and Coralee (in a stroller) taking our time.
Watching all the people, visiting my great grandparent's grave (whom I had never met) and also seeing my Grandpa's grave, I hadn't seen his since his funeral 6 years earlier.
The last two years though...... well people were with me.
I felt rushed, and unable to really appreciate all that was around me.
Next year. I'm going alone.

Coralee left Grandpa a dandelion...He loved little ones so much, I'm sure he was THRILLED!
dandelion for grandpa

I have a feeling there is a fun, sweet, or mabe a silly story behind this.
mday 010a

mday 024a

mday 032a


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