The real deal

We often go longer than we should without seeing the best big brother ever (aka Connor). He only lives about two miles away, yet we can easily go weeks with no sign of him. It's sad, and if I got into all of that with this post would likely take about 5 years to write and maybe 2 for you to read. For now, we're simply thrilled that we got a few days with him. It's truly amazing how much Coralee looks up to him and loves him, what a blessing he is when we get to have him staying at our house.
With him gone so much our most of our family photos are a little bit of a lie, they usually show a family with a beautiful 2 year old girl and a super sweet 1 year old boy. Missing from so many of our photos is the big brother, the leader of the pack, the sweet sensitive protector of his siblings.
Today I'll show you the real deal, a true family photo, with no lies involved.



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