
Marker on the wall.

Marker on the doll.

Coralee's makeup job on baby Delia
8&9 072

Marker on her tummy.

A beautiful tummy!
She really thinks it's funny.

8&9 067


  1. so not looking forward to the day that happens in my house-I guess it's all washable, huh?!

  2. I must admit...I did laugh when I saw the doll. It is a "little" bit funny!! wink wink!
    What you need is a duck! ha

  3. The doll IS quite funny. I get all her dolls at thrift stores for $3, and she isn't attached to any of them, so really I wouldn't mind if she had them go swimming in a bucket of pink paint. A duck, I would love one (my friend had one when we were little) but we'll wait a while, if we got one now it might end up tye dyed.


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